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Scope Cash Instant Periscope Monetization

Before we go any further I’d like to say a MASSIVE thank you for jumping on board with WPScope.One of the ‘webs best kept secrets’ when it comes to 

generating free traffic to your websites.... but that’s the problem, you have the traffic but, what do you PUT on your websites?

OR... you start running these scopes, but how do you MAKE MONEY with them, both today - and months from now?

You've made a huge leap by jumping in and you're well on you have proven to me that you're serious about your business...

... and that's why I'm here now.

I want to give you the opportunity to propel yourself to the big league, regardless of where you are now, WITHOUT having to know ANYTHING about product 

creation or setting up a website to drive the free traffic too.


If you're;

Struggling with information overload from all the products you buy.
Struggling to find TIME in your busy daily schedule (Especially if you currently have a 9-5 AND a family) to work on your business
Wanting an EASY solution so you don't have to spend a year implementing, ‘hoping' that something will work.

You're in luck!

I know the struggle people face, even if they have amazing information and software in front of them – sometimes that's just not enough.

And that's why I'm here today.

So without any further ado,


Scope Cash 

Scope Cash was created to take ALL the pain out of creating your own websites...

... and we do EVERYTHING for you.

If You Are Creating Your Own Scopes
You have a COMPLETE collection of the BEST type of giveaway content, building a reputation with your periscope subscribers as someone who delivers great content - AND you make money at the same time.

If You Are Using Periscope As A Unique Video Content Creation Tool
You have an INSTANT way to make money automatically, on each and every single automated video you pull in from Periscope, again... giving away great content - AND making you money at the same time.

Then This Is For You, Because:
You don't need to find a perfect niche to build your website in... we've done the extensive research for you.
You don't need to host anything... we have everything set up on our personal hosting accounts so you don't have to worry about ‘downtime' and losing sales.
You don't have to write any content. All the information is included so you don't have to worry about researching a certain topic and writing information about it
NO sales copy. That's right – you don't have to spend thousands of dollars hiring a copywriter, or spending weeks of agony trying to write it yourself as everything is included!
No designing needed.
No kidding - this is as 'hands free' as anything you'll ever see online - And the result is you get to bypass the learning curve, eliminate the costs, save months, (perhaps years), of development time and just get started today! 

Once inside Scope Cash there are just two jobs you need to do before you're ready.

Job 1: Let us know your PayPal address. We need to know where you want your money to go... and we need to set up the buy buttons so the money gets sent to YOU.

Job 2: Let us know your click bank username. Again, we need to set up the affiliate programs for you so we need to know your username so you get credit for them.

That's it...really. Simply use the techniques taught inside WPScope to drive the free traffic to the site...

We will do the rest for you!

You'll get your own name and branding on the site, and everything we do will be behind a curtain so you can sit back, enjoy the profits and the fame that comes with offering the amazing products we have put together for you...

... which leads me onto the products.



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